Bach Restor’d
Saturday, 21 September 2024, 7.30 – 9.00pm
This performance has been cancelled
Sunday, 22 September 2024, 2.30 – 4.00pm
This performance has been cancelled

Regretfully the performances of this programme, scheduled for 21-22 September, have had to be cancelled due to unavoidable circumstances. This Bach Restor’d programme featured our own reconstruction of two of Bach’s large-scale masterworks, the French Overture BWV831 and the Italian Concerto BWV971, which we have been working on for several years now. So this cancellation is particularly unfortunate, all the more because the performances have had to be cancelled twice before, on both occasions through Covid issues.
Bronwen Pugh – baroque violin
Alison Salmons – baroque viola
Emma Goodbehere – baroque cello
Eric Scholes - violone
Robert Petre – harpsichord
with guest violinist Lucinda Moon